Les canelés de saison | “Berry-Berry” et “Banana Nuts”

    As there are four seasons in Japan, the way it rains changes by season. Saikau is a type of rain in Spring that considered urging flowers to bloom. There are other types of rain called “Sakura-ame”, cherry blossom rain or “Hana-no-ame”, the rain for flowers around cherry blossom season as well. It shows that Japanese people have always looked forward to flowers to bloom after winter. It might be a good idea to cherish the Spring one step ahead on the table while enjoying several types of rain. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month “Berry-Berry” and “Banana Nuts” are available from today, Friday, 1st of March. Berry-Berry canelés are very fresh and full of berries. Dried cranberries are mixed in the strawberry dough which is decorated with freeze dried framboise and its jam. Banana Nuts canelés are with hazelnuts dough with macadamia nuts and semi-dried banana mixed inside. They are decorated with hazelnuts fondant with almonds on top. Enjoy the sweetness of banana and the crunchy texture of nuts.

    花が咲くのを促すように降る雨を「催花雨」と言います。季節によって雨の降り方も変わる日本。桜の花が咲くころに降る雨を「桜雨」、「花の雨」と言い、昔から日本人は花が咲くのを待ちわびていたことが伺えます。春のさまざまな雨を楽しみながら、テーブルの上では一足早い春を先取りしたいものです。3月の季節のカヌレは 「ベリーベリー」と「ばなナッツ」が、本日3月1日(金)よりお目見えです。「ベリーベリー」はいちごの生地の中にドライのクランベリーを入れ、フランボワーズジャムにフリーズドライのフランボワーズをのせたベリー尽くしのさわやかな一品です。「ばなナッツ」はヘーゼルナッツの生地の中にセミドライのバナナとマカダミアナッツを入れ、ヘーゼルナッツフォンダンにアーモンドをのせました。やさしいバナナの風味とナッツのザクザクした感をお楽しみください。