Finding a little sign of spring makes us smile as peach buds open and flowers bloom. In the old days, the word “smile” was used to describe the blooming of flowers. A charming peach flower brings out a soft smile as if your heart warms up from the inside. We hope our caneles will keep spreading smiles in March as well.
Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Berry-Berry” and “Salty Nuts” are available from today, Saturday, March 1st.
Berry-Berry canelés are very fresh and full of berries. Cranberries are mixed in the strawberry dough that is decorated with framboise jam and cranberries.
Salty Nuts canelés are decorated with hazelnut fondant and almonds on top of the hazelnut dough mixed with walnuts and macadamia nuts. The roasted aroma and the texture of the three kinds of nuts are amusing.
2We can almost hear the footsteps of spring, though the weather is still cold. On the almanac calendar, February 3rd marks the “Ritshun,” the first day of a new year. As the saying goes, “A good beginning makes a good ending”, if things start out well,they will flow well and eventually lead to a positive outcome. To make this year full of joy, we should spend the beginning day with a good attitude.
Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Chocolat Gonomi” and “White Chocolate and Rum Raisin,” are available from today, February 1st.
The Chocolat Gonomi Canelés are with the dough mixed with Chocolat and cranberries. They are decorated with dried fruits: cranberries, green raisins, apricots, and blueberries after being dipped in the chocolate ganache mixed with raspberry jam and dressed up with powdered sugar. The bitter-sweet taste of chocolate and the enjoyable texture of the five fruits may be something you might find addictive.
The White Chocolate and Rum Raisin Canelés are decorated with white chocolate ganache mixed with chopped rum raisins and peanuts on top, while the vanilla-flavored dough is filled with rum raisins, too. Please enjoy the rich scent of the rum raisin with the sweetness of white chocolate.
Happy New Year! In Japan, the dream that we have on January 2nd is called “Hatsuyume”, the first dream. People believe that if you have a good hatsuyume, the year will be a good one. The year will be filled with extraordinary happiness, especially if any of the seven gods of good fortune are in it. The seven gods of good fortune are Daikokuten,Bishamonten, Ebisuten, Jurojin, Fukurokuju, Benzaiten, and Hotei.Wondering what you will have for your hatsuyume tomorrow. Wishing your new year to be filled with great days. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Kuri-kinton” and “Yuzu” are available from January 6th. Kuri-kinton canelés are made with sweet potato paste that is mildly sweet inside and decorated with caramelized chestnuts and golden leaves. The sparkly gold looks festive and suitable for the beginning of the year. Yuzu canelés are decorated with our homemade jam using the whole yuzu from Noto on top. Please enjoy the fresh fragrance and sourness of yuzu. Our shops will return to business from Monday, January 6th, for the New Year. We hope to see you at our shops in Sakuragawa, Nagahoribashi, Tanimachiyonchome next year as well.
あけましておめでとうございます。日本には古くから「1月2日の夜にみる夢を初夢と呼び、良い夢をみるとその一年間が良い年になる」という風習があります。大黒天さま、毘沙門天さま、恵比須天さま、寿老人さま、福禄寿さま、弁財天さま、布袋尊さまの総称七福神。初夢にこの中の誰かが登場すると、最高に幸せな1年がやってくるそうです。明日、どんな夢をみるのでしょう。みなさまにとってのこの一年が「いい日」で溢れ出しますように。1月の季節のカヌレは 「栗きんとん」と「ゆず」が、1月6日(月)よりお目見えです。「栗きんとん」はやさしい甘さのさつまいも餡を中に入れ、栗の甘露煮をのせ、金粉を散らしました。きらっと光る金粉が新しい年の始まりを思わせる一品です。「ゆず」は能勢産柚子の 皮・実・果汁を丸ごと使って作った自家製ジャムを絞りました。柚子の爽やかな酸味と香りをお楽しみください。
The streets of Osaka are bustling with Christmas decorations. The first Christmas tree in Japan was decorated in 1860 at a diplomatic office of the Kingdom of Prussia, the current northeastern part of Germany. Later, on December 7, 1886, it appeared in a supermarket in Yokohama, a port town with a large foreign population. Christmas has gradually become a well-established event in Japan as people add more ornaments for the Christmas tree each year, hold Christmas parties, and exchange gifts. The showcase displays at our stores are also decorated for the Christmas season. We hope you will enjoy them when you visit our stores. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Meli-melo” and “Coconuts Chocolat” are available from the 1st of December. Meli-melo canelés are named after a French word meaning mishmash in English. It is very flavorful and rich with various fruits preserved in rum on top. Coconuts Chocolat canelés are baked with roasted coconuts and chocolate inside of the chocolate dough. The white chocolate ganache and the coconut fine decoration look just like the snow in winter.
大阪の街はクリスマスの装いで賑わっています。 日本で最初にクリスマスツリーが飾られたのは1860年、プロイセン王国(現在のドイツ東北部)の公館だそうです。その後、1886年12月7日、外国人が多く住む港町・横浜のスーパーマーケットに登場しました。毎年少しずつクリスマスツリーのオーナメントを買い足したり、クリスマス会を開いたり、プレゼント交換をしたり。日本でもすっかりクリスマスは定着されています。カヌレ堂各店舗のショーケースのディスプレイもクリスマス仕様です。ご来店の際は合わせてお楽しみいただけたらうれしいです。12月の季節のカヌレは 「メリメロ」と「ココナッツショコラ」が、12月1日(日)よりお目見えです。「メリメロ」はフランス語でごちゃまぜという意味。ラム種漬けの果実がたっぷりのった華やかな一品です。「ココナッツショコラ」はショコラ生地の中にチョコレートとローストしたココナッツを入れて焼き上げ、上にホワイトチョコレートガナッシュをしぼりココナッツファインを散らしています。雪を想わせる冬のカヌレに仕上がりました。素敵な12月になりますように。
It feels like autumn deepens as the mornings and evenings get cooler. November 25th is “Good Smile Day”. It was set after the sound of the number of the date: 11 reads “いい” meaning good, and 25 reads “にっこり” meaning to smile. Have you been smiling recently? Smiling is very powerful. Just by lifting the corners of your mouth, you can brighten your mood, improve your body’s immunity, and even cheer up the people around you. Surprisingly, even a fake smile works. As the saying goes,” Fortune comes in by a merry gate.” if good fortune and happiness will come to those who smile, we should. Smiling in front of the mirror every morning may be a great habit to start. Our seasonal canelés for this month, “Chestnuts” and “Tea and White Chocolate” are available from today, the 1st of November. Chestnut canelés are filled with chestnut paste and decorated with simmered chestnuts with skin and powdered sugar on top. You can feel autumn in the rich flavor of chestnuts. Tea and White Chocolate Canelés are decorated with tea leaves and white chocolate ganache on top of the dough mixed with tea leaves. Please enjoy the rich flavor of the bergamot aroma of Earl Gray tea leaves after the tender sweetness of the white chocolate.
The fragrance of the osmanthus has begun to waft through the air. The lingering summer heat has been severe year after year, and many of you may have been looking forward to the autumn season. The phrase “three autumns in one day” symbolizes anticipation. Because you have a strong feeling toward your partner, it feels as if three autumns have passed when you cannot see them. The pleasant season always seems to pass in an instant. Autumn is an excellent season for enjoying food, reading, art, sports, etc. Let’s enjoy this autumn to the fullest. Our seasonal canelés for this month, “Pumpkin” and “Nuts Chocolat” are available from today, the 1st of October. Pumpkin canelés are decorated with pumpkin seeds with pumpkin paste on top of pumpkin dough. The tender sweetness of pumpkin is concentrated in each canelé, and they are perfect for autumn. Nuts Chocolat canelés are with cashew nuts and macadamia nuts in the chocolate dough, decorated with chocolate ganache and dolled up with macadamia nuts. Please enjoy how smooth the chocolate melts in your mouth and the texture of the two kinds of nuts.
The sun is setting earlier and earlier day by day, and we are beginning to feel the autumn in the wind. Have you ever heard of the Kannamesai, the celebration and thanksgiving for a plentiful harvest by offering the year’s first harvest to Amaterasu? This is considered the most important of the 1,500 annual festivals held at Ise Jingu. It is also known as the “New Year of the Shrine” because the ritual utensils are renewed at the Ise Jingu Shrine for the Kanamesai. It may be one of the precious events for the Japanese as rice has been our main diet for many years. In the harvest season of autumn, we will take time to savor this year’s new rice and harvest delicacies with deep respect and gratitude for nature, which the Japanese people have cherished, and that alone will enrich our hearts and minds. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Sweet potato” and “Fig” are available from today, September 1st. The sweet potato canelés are candied sweet potatoes wrapped in sweet potato dough and topped with the same filling and sesame sprinkled on top. The sweetness fills your mouth with a soft, luscious flavor. Fig canelés are filled with dried fig compote in red wine and cinnamon-flavored dough. The popping texture of fig and refined afternote of red wine would be delightful.
It is the time of year for fireworks, which are a summer tradition and representative of the beauty of Japan. Among fireworks, Senko-Hanabi, or Japanese sparkers, have always captured the hearts of the Japanese because of their fleeting beauty. Do you know that each stage of a firework has its own name, from when it’s lit to fall? It starts with “bud” as the fireball gradually grows larger until it becomes “peony” with short sparkles begin to burst one by one. It then makes “pine needles” by gaining momentum, and the sparks spread in all directions till eventually it gets softened as sparkles get thinner and drop slightly like “willow.” The final part is “scattering chrysanthemum,” in which the sparks fall one by one till the last. Japanese people may see their own lives in how short-lived fireworks burn beautifully. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Salt of Guérande” and “Passion Fruits” are available from today, August 1st. The Salt of Guérande canelés are made with salty dough flavored with “fruits of the sea” or salt of Guérande, France. Please enjoy the fresh afternote spreading as the mild saltiness gently brings out its sweetness. Passion fruit canelés have the paste of the sweet white bean and passion fruits inside the apricot dough, dolled up with homemade jam made from the passion fruits from Amami-Oshima on top. The refreshing sweetness and sourness of passion fruit will bring you tropical island vibes.
As we are already looking forward to the rainy season to be over, many summer festivals will be held throughout Japan from July to September. The yukata is the most popular thing to wear at these festivals. The yukata originated in the yukatabira, a linen garment worn during bathing in the Heian period to prevent getting burned from the steam. With the spread of public bathhouses in the Edo period, yukata came to be worn after bathing and as loungewear, and it was not until the Meiji period that they became common throughout Japan as everyday summer wear. The classic yukata is often seen in white and navy blue. The white yukata is for daytime to keep cool even in mid-summer, and the navy blue yukata is better to wear from evening to night, as the scent of “Ai-zome”, or the indigo dye for the blue color keeps out insects such as mosquitoes. Yukata is an ingenious garment for comfortably spending the hot Japanese summer. It can be special and fun to dress up and go out in one. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Pineapple“ and “Coconut” are available from today, July 1st. Pineapple canelés have dried pineapples covered by white sweet bean paste inside, dolled up with homemade fresh pineapple jam and the smallest konpeito candy on top. This tropical, summery canelé brings out pineapple’s sweet, sour taste. Coconut canelés are with plentiful roasted coconuts mixed in the apricot dough and sprinkled on top. You can almost hear the ocean waves while tasting the canelés.
Every rain has deepened the green of the mountains. Have you ever heard of the phrase “Seikou udoku”? It means working in the field in fine weather, reading at home in rainy weather; living a quiet, peaceful life away from social constraints. It is the time of year when the signs of rain will soon intensify. It may be a good idea to find something you may be excited to do on a rainy day, or something you can think about because of the rain. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Mango-Annin” and “Bankan” are available from the 1st of June. Mango-Annin canelés are baked with dried mango inside the apricot kernel paste. They are adorably decorated with dried mangos and apricot kernel fondant. The mellow sweetness and sourness might lead you to a tropical getaway. Bankan canelés are decorated with jam made from Amakusa Bankan from Kumamoto and sprinkled with chopped pistachios. Please enjoy the refreshing sweetness and light bitterness.
New green leaves have started to dazzle. May 16th is “Travel Day,” named after the haiku poet Matsuo Basho, who left Edo (Tokyo) on the same day in 1689 to embark on the journey of “Okunohosomichi” (The Narrow Road to the Deep North). It was for 156 days, or about 2,400 km, on foot from the Sumida River in Tokyo to head to the north by the Nikko Kaido Road, visiting places such as Shimono, Mutsu, Dewa, Echigo, Kaga, and Echizen. The poems he composed in each place are inscribed on stone monuments, and even today, many people travel to the stone monuments along the route Basho took. It is the season when the fresh breeze makes you want to hit the road. It is a good idea to take a trip to a place a little farther than usual to hear the sound of wind, water, insects, and the chirps of birds. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, ”Lemon” and “Yomogi” are available from the 1st of May. Lemon canelés are decorated with fondant made from lemon juice and lemon peel. The refreshing, clean smell and sourness of lemons make them suitable for early summer. Yomogi canelés are made with yomogi-mixed dough, decorated with red bean paste mixed with yomogi, and dolled up with sweet red beans and freeze-dried mochi rice cakes. The tender sweetness may bring you a little happiness.
April has arrived with refreshing air and a gentle spring breeze. In the spring night sky, constellations such as the Bootes, Virgo, Leo, and Corvus come into view. If you extend the handle of the ladle-shaped Big Dipper in the northern sky, it will lead you to the orange-colored Arcturus, followed by the white-colored Spica. If you extend it further, you will find Corvus, with its four stars arranged in a trapezoid shape, and the curve from the Big Dipper to Corvus is the “Great Curve of Spring”. And if you connect Denebola in Leo, Spica in Virgo, and Arcturus in Bootes, you get the “Great Triangle of Spring”. How romantic to spend this spring looking up at the cherry blossoms by day and the constellations by night. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Cherry Blossom” and “Honey and Cheese” are available from today, April 1st. Cherry blossom canelés have the smooth bean paste put inside of the cherry blossom dough and decorated with cherry blossom paste, pickled flowers and snowed with freeze-dried mochi rice cakes. They have a delicate flavor just like the image of the fragile flowers. Honey and Cheese canelés are decorated with handmade cheese crumbles and a paste of cream cheese mixed with honey is squeezed inside. We hope you will enjoy the sourness of cream cheese, the mellow sweetness of honey and a hint of saltiness.
清々しい空気とともに優しい春の風が吹き抜ける4月がやってきました。春の夜空にはうしかい座、おとめ座、からす座、しし座といった星座が浮かび上がります。北の空に柄杓の形をした北斗七星を見つけたなら、その尻尾のカーブをそのまま伸ばしていくとオレンジ色をしたアルクトゥールス、白色をしたスピカと続きます。さらに伸ばすと、4つの星が台形に並んだからす座があり、北斗七星からからす座までのカーブが「春の大曲線」です。そして、しし座のデネボラ、おとめ座のスピカ、うしかい座のアークトゥルスをつなぐと「春の大三角形」になります。昼は桜、夜は春の星座を見上げて過ごしたいものです。4月の季節のカヌレは「さくら」と「はちみつとチーズ」が本日、4月1日(月)よりお目見えです。「さくら 」は桜生地の中にこし餡、上に桜餡と桜の塩漬けをのせ、氷餅をふわりと落としました。繊細で淡い桜のようにやさしいお味に仕上がっています。「はちみつとチーズ」はクリームチーズとはちみつを合わせたものを絞り入れ、手作りのチーズクランブルをのせました。チーズの酸味とはちみつの甘さとほんのり塩っけがくせになる一品です。
Spring has started to bloom despite the cold weather, and the town seems to be getting more lively each day. March 9th is the “Day of Thank you,” which comes from how the sound of the Japanese words “San (3) and Kyu (9)” when they are pronounced together sounds like the English word “Thank you”. The word “Arigato” originally means “rarely happens” or “hardly exists” in Japanese and it turned into to be grateful for something precious. Even the things we take no notice of in our daily lives are, in fact, very rare and precious, and we should not take them for granted. “Thank you” is a magical word – just pronouncing the word may make us feel like it eases tension, brings a smile to our face, and makes us feel energized and full of life. I wish you a happy March that is full of “Thank yous” to someone and to yourself. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Berry-Berry” and “Salty Nuts” are available from today, Friday, March 1st. Berry-Berry canelés are very fresh and full of berries. Dried cranberries are mixed in the strawberry dough that is decorated with framboise jam and cranberries. Salty Nuts canelés are decorated with hazelnut fondant and almonds on top of the hazelnut dough that is mixed with walnuts and macadamia nuts. The saltiness brings out the roasted aroma of the nuts.
0A hint of spring is beginning to drift in the air while the weather remains bitterly cold. February 4th is “Ritsshun”, the first day of spring on the old calendar. “Ritsu “means a beginning and the day used to be New Year’s Day in the old calendar. As the saying goes, “A good beginning makes a good ending”, the beginning of anything is very important. To anticipate a good, peaceful year, it may be a nice idea to fill our hearts with joy and gratitude, and spend a wonderful day of the beginning. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Chocolat Gonomi” and “White Chocolate and Rum Raisin” are available from today, Thursday, February 1st. The Chocolat Gonomi Canelés are with the Chocolat dough mixed with cranberries. They are decorated with dried fruits: cranberries, green raisins, apricots, and blueberries after being dipped in the ganache mixed with raspberry jam and dressed up with powdered sugar. The bitter-sweet taste of chocolate and the enjoyable texture may be something you might find addictive. The White Chocolate and Rum Raisin Canelés are decorated with white chocolate ganache mixed with chopped rum raisins and crushed peanuts on top while the vanilla-flavored dough is filled with rum raisins too. Please enjoy the rich scent of the rum raisin with the sweetness of white chocolate.
Happy New Year! Pine trees, an essential for New Year’s decorations, have long been considered sacred trees, said to be “trees that wait for the gods”. The New Year Gods find their way back home by following the evergreen branches of the pine tree. Matsukazari, the pine tree decorations at the entrance are a marker for the New Year Gods to visit each home from above. Furthermore, there are many colors associated with pine tree leaves, such as Chitose-Midori, Tokiwa-Iro, and Oi-Midori. Matsuba-iro has been considered a color of celebration since the Heian period, which was about 1000 years ago. Magically even as winter deepens and the weather turns colder and colder, pine trees continue to show their beautiful colors. Let’s welcome the new year as we cherish the Japanese traditions that have been handed down from ancient times. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Kuri-kinton” and “Yuzu” are available from the 6th of January. Yuzu canelés are with apricot mixed dough and decorated with our homemade jam using the whole Yuzu on top. The fresh sweetness and sourness of yuzu are concentrated in each canelés. Kuri-kinton canelés are with sweet potato paste made with Japanese Naruto Kintoki inside, decorated with caramelized chestnuts and golden leaves. People eat Kuri-kinton to wish for good wealth. Please enjoy the mild sweetness. Our shops will be back in business from Saturday, January 6th for the New Year. We hope you will enjoy our canelés next year as well!
あけましておめでとうございます。お正月飾りに欠かせない松は「神を待つ木」と言われ、古くから神聖な木とされてきました。年神様は冬でも緑を絶やさない松の枝を頼りに、それぞれの家に帰ってきます。玄関に飾る松飾りは、年神様が地上に降りてくるときに家々を訪れる目印です。また、松の葉にちなんだ色がたくさんあることをご存知ですか?「松葉色」は平安時代からおめでたい色とされ、他にも「千載緑」「常盤色」「老緑」などがあります。冬が深まり、寒さがいちだんと厳しくなっても、変わらず美しい色を見せてくれる松。古来より受け継がれてきた日本の伝統を大切に、新しい年を迎えたいものです。1月の季節のカヌレは 「栗きんとん」と「ゆず」が、1月6日(土)よりお目見えです。「ゆず」は杏の生地に柚子の皮・実・果汁を丸ごと使った自家製ジャムを絞りました。柚子の爽やかな酸味と香りがぎゅっと詰まった一品です。「栗きんとん」は国産のなると金時ペーストのさつまいも餡をたっぷり入れ、栗の甘露煮に金粉を散らしました。お節料理にも欠かせない栗きんとんは金運上昇の願いが込められています。ほくほくやさしい甘さに口元が綻んでしまいます。新年は1月6日(土)からオープンします。今年もよろしくお願いいたします。
December is on. As soon as we enter December, people start talking about “Bonenkai”, a year-end party. Literally, it translates to a party to forget the year, but it is to forget the hardships of the year to refresh the mind for welcoming the New Year. It is said that the term “Toshiwasure” originates from an event called “Toshiwasure” that was held in the Muromachi period about 500-700 years ago. A diary entry describes how a lively poetry party held at the end of the year for the royal family and aristocrats was associated with the term “Toshiwasure”. It seems that the public enjoyed some gathering events which involved drinking alcohol and dancing wildly. Originally, the “to forget the year” part of the “Bonenkai” word had the meaning of “to forget being old” or “not minding the generation gap”. In recent years, year-end parties have been held by companies and various communities. Therefore, attending them only once but 10 or even 20 times may not be unusual. We wish you all an enjoyable December. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Meli-melo” and “Coconuts Chocolat” are available from today, the 1st of December. Meli-melo canelés are named after a French word meaning mishmash in English. It is very flavorful and rich with various fruits preserved in rum on top. Coconuts Chocolat canelés are baked with a tablet of roasted shredded coconuts and chocolate inside of the chocolate dough. The white ganache and the coconut powder decoration remind of a White Christmas.
今日から12月。日本では「忘年会」という言葉を見聞きするようになります。その年の苦労は年内に忘れ、新年をすがすがしい気持ちで迎えるために行われる宴会のことです。そのルーツは室町時代に行われていた「としわすれ」という行事からきていると言われています。年末に催された皇族や貴族たちの連歌会が盛り上がり、その様子がまるで「としわすれ」のようだと書かれた日記が残っています。この頃にはお酒を飲んで乱舞する民衆行事も存在していたようです。もともと「忘年」には、「自分が年老いたことを忘れる」や「年齢の差を気にとめない」といった意味合いがあります。近年は会社や様々なコミュニティで開催されている忘年会、人によっては一度に限らず10回20回と顔を出す方も多いのではないでしょうか。みなさまにとって楽しい12月となりますように。12月の季節のカヌレは 「メリメロ」と「ココナッツショコラ」が、本日12月1日(金)よりお目見えです。「メリメロ」はフランス語でごちゃまぜという意味です。ダークラムに漬けた果実がたっぷりのった華やかなカヌレです。「ココナッツショコラ」はココア生地にローストしたココナッツファインとチョコのタブレットをいれて焼き上げ、仕上げにホワイトガナッシュを絞りココナッツパウダーを降らせました。ホワイトクリスマスを想わせる一品です。