Here is the season to change wardrobe. For a long time, people have cherished a sense of seasons in Japan as nature changes their outlook and people have lived along with 4 seasons holding events and so on. In the Heian era, the custom of seasonal change of wardrobe was called “Koui” and took place in April and October of the old calendar. It was also believed to purify disgraces and defilement from everyday life and people changed or revamped their furnishings as well. You might have organized places around you or gone through your belongings in the last few months. It would be great if we could lightheartedly welcome the new season. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, ”Lemon” and “Grilled Corn” are available from the 4th of June. Lemon canelés are decorated with the jam made from lemons from Ehime and sprinkled with chopped pistachios. The refreshing clear smell and sourness of lemon is very suitable for this early summer. Grilled corn canelés are with the dough mixed with cornmeal and soy sauce decorated on top with freeze-dried corn from Biei, Hokkaido. The sweetness of corn and the toasty aroma of soy sauce would amuse your mouth with the crunchy texture. We are planning to be back on business from June 4th as Osaka lifted state of emergency. We cannot wait to support your happy moments through our canelés again soon.