Les canelés de saison | “Kurikinton” et “Yuzu”

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    Happy New Year! In Japan, the dream that we have on January 2nd is called “Hatsuyume”, the first dream. People believe that if you have a good hatsuyume, the year will be a good one. The year will be filled with extraordinary happiness, especially if any of the seven gods of good fortune are in it. The seven gods of good fortune are Daikokuten,Bishamonten, Ebisuten, Jurojin, Fukurokuju, Benzaiten, and Hotei.Wondering what you will have for your hatsuyume tomorrow. Wishing your new year to be filled with great days. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Kuri-kinton” and “Yuzu” are available from January 6th. Kuri-kinton canelés are made with sweet potato paste that is mildly sweet inside and decorated with caramelized chestnuts and golden leaves. The sparkly gold looks festive and suitable for the beginning of the year. Yuzu canelés are decorated with our homemade jam using the whole yuzu from Noto on top. Please enjoy the fresh fragrance and sourness of yuzu. Our shops will return to business from Monday, January 6th, for the New Year. We hope to see you at our shops in Sakuragawa, Nagahoribashi, Tanimachiyonchome next year as well.

    あけましておめでとうございます。日本には古くから「1月2日の夜にみる夢を初夢と呼び、良い夢をみるとその一年間が良い年になる」という風習があります。大黒天さま、毘沙門天さま、恵比須天さま、寿老人さま、福禄寿さま、弁財天さま、布袋尊さまの総称七福神。初夢にこの中の誰かが登場すると、最高に幸せな1年がやってくるそうです。明日、どんな夢をみるのでしょう。みなさまにとってのこの一年が「いい日」で溢れ出しますように。1月の季節のカヌレは 「栗きんとん」と「ゆず」が、1月6日(月)よりお目見えです。「栗きんとん」はやさしい甘さのさつまいも餡を中に入れ、栗の甘露煮をのせ、金粉を散らしました。きらっと光る金粉が新しい年の始まりを思わせる一品です。「ゆず」は能勢産柚子の
