Les canelés de saison | “Baie-Baie” et “Noix salées”

    Spring has started to bloom despite the cold weather, and the town seems to be getting more lively each day. March 9th is the “Day of Thank you,” which comes from how the sound of the Japanese words “San (3) and Kyu (9)” when they are pronounced together sounds like the English word “Thank you”. The word “Arigato” originally means “rarely happens” or “hardly exists” in Japanese and it turned into to be grateful for something precious. Even the things we take no notice of in our daily lives are, in fact, very rare and precious, and we should not take them for granted. “Thank you” is a magical word – just pronouncing the word may make us feel like it eases tension, brings a smile to our face, and makes us feel energized and full of life. I wish you a happy March that is full of “Thank yous” to someone and to yourself. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Berry-Berry” and “Salty Nuts” are available from today, Friday, March 1st. Berry-Berry canelés are very fresh and full of berries. Dried cranberries are mixed in the strawberry dough that is decorated with framboise jam and cranberries. Salty Nuts canelés are decorated with hazelnut fondant and almonds on top of the hazelnut dough that is mixed with walnuts and macadamia nuts. The saltiness brings out the roasted aroma of the nuts.
