Les canelés de saison | “Yuzu” et “Kurikinton”

    Happy New Year! Have you had Osechi-ryori this year? Osechi-ryori, the Japanese traditional New Year’s dishes are commonly stored in Jubako, the Japanese lacquered bento box. Jubako is often used for celebrations as it is considered to bring more luck and happiness as the boxes can be piled up. The formal type ones are 4 stories and each box has dishes to store. There are various dishes with very unique names: Kinton, Kobumaki, Yatsugashira, Kouhaku-namasu, and so on. Each of the dishes is named and believed to bring certain luck for the coming year. It is a wonderful little tradition to be cherished and passed on. Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Yuzu” and “Kuri-kinton” are available from 7th of January. Yuzu canelés are decorated with the jam on top that is made from Kito yuzu from Tokushima which is known to be located in the deep forest with the environment having drastic changes in temperature. The fresh sweetness of yuzu would amuse you. Kuri-kinton canelés are with sweet potato paste inside and on top, decorated with caramelized chestnuts and golden leaves. Please enjoy the fillingness of the chestnuts and sweet potatoes. Our shops will be back in business from Friday, January 7th for the New Year. We hope you will enjoy our canelés next year as well!

    あけましておめでとうございます。お節料理はもう食べられましたか?重箱に詰めるのが一般的で、幸せやめでたさを重ねるという意味が込められています。正式な段数は四段で、上から順番に「一の重」「二の重」「三の重」「与の重」と呼び、何番目のお重に何を詰めるかが決まっています。それぞれの料理にもいわれがあり、「きんとん」「昆布巻き」「八つ頭」「紅白なます」…など名前を口にするだけで、自然と縁起のいい言葉が飛び交います。1年の幸せを祈って、付けられた名前。素晴らしい伝統を守っていきたいものです。1月の季節のカヌレは 「ゆず」と「栗きんとん」が、1月7日(金)よりお目見えです。「ゆず」はプレーンの生地に徳島県の山深く昼夜の寒暖差が大きい木頭地方で作られる木頭ゆずを使ったジャムをぎゅっと絞りました。香りの高さと酸味の広がりをお楽しみください。「栗きんとん」は中と上にお芋の餡、仕上げに栗の甘露煮を乗せて金粉を散らしました。栗とお芋が詰まった食べごたえのある一品です。新年は1月7日(金)からオープンします。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。