The soothing sound of insects singing echoes in the long autumn evening. Associating the sound of insects with the approach and depth of autumn or loneliness is said to be a Japanese thing. Some people describe the sound of many insects singing together as a chorus of insects. There are various kinds of insects – crickets in particular such as bell crickets, pine crickets and more and they all sing in unique ways. It might be a perfect way to spend a night viewing the moon while we pay attention to all the insects singing. Our seasonal canelés for this month, “Pumpkin” and “Nuts Chocolat” are available from today, 1st of October. Pumpkin canelés are decorated with pumpkin seeds with pumpkin paste on top of pumpkin dough. The tender sweetness of pumpkin is concentrated in each canelés and they are perfect for autumn. Nuts Chocolat canelés are with cashew nuts and macadamia nuts in the chocolate dough, decorated with chocolate ganache and dolled up with macadamia nuts. Please enjoy the meltability of chocolate and the texture of 2 kinds of nuts.