Les canelés de saison | Citrouille et Pommes au caramel

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    The moon shines remarkably beautifully in autumn.“Jugo-ya” (the fifteenth night of the 8th month in the lunar calendar) and “Jusan-ya” (the thirteenth night of the 9th month) are the nights to enjoy full moon in autumn. Collectively, they are called “Niya-no-Tsuki” (the moon seen on two nights). Jugo-ya is on 27th of September and Jusan-ya is on 25th of October this year. Coming along after “Chushu-no-Meigetsu” (the most beautiful harvest moon) which is seen on Jugo-ya , the moon seen on Jusan-ya is known as the second most beautiful moon. Jusan-ya turns out to be a clear night most of years as there is an old saying, “Jusan-ya is never cloudy”.Our pair of seasonal canelés for this month, “Pumpkin” and “Caramel apple” are available from 1st of October.For pumpkin canelés, the vivid yellow of the pumpkin dough and paste stand out perfectly for autumn season.With caramel apple canelés, please enjoy the harmony of caramel tasted dough and sweetness of apple.

